This new generation health risk assessment goes beyond the tip of the iceberg and gathers information related to health practices and work cultures that lead to manifested individual and organisational health risks and present them in a stimulating and systematic way that propel individuals and groups into a healthy future.

This new generation health risk assessment raises the bar on what a health assessment could do to improve health and work culture.


Advantages and Features

Meaningful to all employee levels

This new generation HRA speaks a language that could be understood by someone that just wants the headline story as well as the curious and analytical employee. Even illiterate and colour blind people find this HRA informative and life changing.

Identify stages of change

THRA1his new generation HRA assesses each participants stage of change and communicates to everyone with personalised stage based information. This HRA accepts each person’s health position and presents health promotion suggestions based on their readiness to change.

Accelerate individual road to wellness

Results in this HRA are presented in such a way that it clearly formulates individual health risks together with the leading health practices that drive existing behaviours. Then it stimulates change thoughts to strengthen readiness to change through thought provoking review questions and statements. All of this to propel participants into a healthier and life improving future.


This comprehensive HRA uses a scientific analysis process over a multi-dimensional spectrum of health to determine health risk and life expectancy. These are some of the factors analysed to determine personal health status:

  • Personal health history
  • Personal medication use
  • Family health history
  • Blood pressure
  • Blood glucose levels
  • Blood cholesterol levels
  • Height-weight Relationship

  • Tobacco use
  • Alcohol use
  • Unprescribed medication use
  • Health care utilisation
  • Safety
  • Physical activity
  • Healthy eating

  • Dental health
  • Gender health
  • Mental health/Stress
  • Financial health
  • Work health

This unique HRA goes beyond the tip of the iceberg and gathers information related to health practices that lead to presented health risks. Almost 30 health practices are examined to determine which behaviours are the leading cases of unwell or risky health areas.

Measure Wellness Culture

Research has indicated that a supportive health culture could be the best way to reduce unsuccessful behaviour change. This dynamic HRA measures the impact that five cultural dimensions have on people in the workplace and presents a systematic culture change solution based on the workforce readiness to change analysis.

Inform Wellness Strategy

This integrated HRA does more than facilitate health change on an individual level, it sources critical information from the workforce required to create an impactful wellness strategy that will support the overall organisational vision and values. Some of the critical information sourced relates to:

  • Major health risk areas
  • Heart disease risk
  • Cancer risk
  • Diabetes risk
  • Accumulated risk
  • Unhealthy practices

  • Absenteeism
  • Presenteeism
  • Work performance
  • Readiness to change
  • Health services needs
  • Organisational culture

  • Employee health interests
  • Employee health preferences
  • Employee support willingness
  • Economic benefit analysis
  • Inter group differences

The HRA aggregate report presents these findings in a structured way that stimulates and informs change management planning that creates sustained outcomes the organisation desires.

Deliver Case Management

This informative HRA generates a list of participating employees with a high risk for health conditions. This special list only contains names of participating people that gave their informed consent to be followed-up and adheres to strict confidentiality principles.

The purpose of this list is to provide the Health Counsellors with a risk report to;
– Support willing participants at risk for sever health conditions
– Enrol willing participants into a wellness case management system
– Consult participants on their change plan objectives
– Intervention progress and reduce risk
– Preventative approach to problem cases, ensuring early referral, definitive diagnosis, plan of action and management to prevent complications
The HRA proposes customizing processes to effectively implement a case management system that supports responsible reporting, monitoring and evaluation to create sustainable behaviour change.

Quality-Comprehensive-Informative reporting

THRA2his new generation HRA is fuelled by the latest scientific research, international best practice principles and strict validation data to ensure accuracy, reliability, validity and favourable customer satisfaction. Our participants had more to say on this matter

“Thank you for sending my report – I went through
the outcomes of the result and I’m satisfied, though
there are some areas that I will need to improve on.”

“Thanks for the report it is very interesting especially
about my health age wooow…I will work on the ones
highlighted red thanks a lot.”

“Thank you very much for the health review, will take
every comment into consideration.

This comprehensive HRA places quality information in the lap of the individual, the health counsellor and the organisational decision makers with one objective in mind:

Three reports produced by this existing HRA support this cause, namely;

Personal Health Risk Report
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Health Risk Assessment – Aggregate Report
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Health Risk Assessment – Counsellors Report
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Stimulate integration

This creatively structured HRA stimulates the integration of efforts. Due to its multi-dimensional nature, case management infusion, cultural influence and strategic intent this HRA stimulates conversations and decision making that bridges traditional silo practices amongst peers, health professionals, line management, service providers, community and more. It facilitates the migration from a segmentation approach to a holistic approach in a simplistic yet powerful manner.

Economic Benefit

Our organisations are struggling to quantify the impact of employee health on productivity. Yet, research is clear that the rising health care costs are diminishing company profits. This scientifically validated HRA has the capability to calculate the economic impact of your organisational health risk and quantify the return-on-investment. Understanding that return-on-investment is the language our organisational leaders speak, this report succeeds to justify, motivate and market your employee wellness program in to the fibres of your organisation.

Health Age

“Health Age” is a measure of how far certain lifestyle behaviours and medical factors are affecting life expectancy. Your “Health Age” is an indicator of your physiological health relative to your chronological age (real age) and is dependant on a number of health risk factors such as blood pressure, body weight, smoking, stress, exercise, and even sexual practices. If your “Health Age” is older than your real age, you have worse than average health which is having a negative effect on your life expectancy. If your health age is the same as your real age you have average health and therefore average life expectancy. And if your health age is younger than your real age you have better than average health which should have a positive effect on your life expectancy.
The “Health Age” of each participant is calculated and compared to their chronological age in the Personal Health Risk Report

How it works


Choose a price plan

Whether you are a couple of friends, a caring department or a large organization, we have a price plan for you. Choose on of our prepared plans [click here] or contact our friendly staff [click here]


Finalize participation process

We have 3 participation structures to choose from that could fit best in with your environment or planning.


Contact our Client Relations Team to help you finalize your participation process.


Phone. +27 86 1000 548

Step 3

Personalize reporting

We generate a personal report for each participant that could be either emailed directly to them or send to the survey coordinator to facilitate feedback in a group setting or delivered to participants not on email. All reports are password-protected, so you can choose the most convenient way to share your data.

Plans and Pricing

Choose the right assessment plan for you.


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