Empower your employees as a certified Wellness Peer Mentor

Wellness Peer MentorWellness Peer Mentor is a certified training course for Supervisors, peer educators and employee champions who are willing to play an active role i establishing a employee Wellness culture in the workplace and will empower them to more effectively provide one-to-one support towards each other to ensure lasting lifestyle change. This training empowers coworkers and supervisors to became partners in lifestyle change in the workplace.






Wellness Peer Mentor is a certified training course for Supervisors, peer educators and employee champions who are willing to play an active role in establishing a Employee Wellness Culture in the Workplace and will l empower them to more effectively provide one-to-one support towards each other to ensure lasting lifestyle change. This training empowers coworkers and supervisors to become partners in lifestyle change in the workplace.


After completion of this course, candidates should be able to:

  1. Explain the benefits and purpose of a Wellness lifestyle and workstyle.
  2. Explain how wellness contributes to the overall vision of the organization.
  3. Assist in the implementation of the Employee Wellness Program objectives
  4. Assist peers to clarify wellness goals, exploring related scientific knowledge and tailoring personal goals.
  5. Be a good wellness role model and assist peers to find good role models.
  6. Assist peers to eliminate barriers to change and finding the resources needed for success.
  7. Assist peers to locate supportive environments at work, at home and in the community.
  8. Assist peers to develop game plans for avoiding high-risk situations and for handling a relapse.
  9. Reinforce change efforts by helping peers to celebrate all along the way to long-term behavior change.

16 Hours of continues education is planned into 2 day. Training starts at 08:00 and finish at 17:00.


Supervisors, peer educators and employee champions who are willing to play an active role in establishing a Employee Wellness Culture in the Workplace.


The course is presented by Dr Japie Lubbe and Mrs Tertia Putter. Both of them are recognised by the national and international wellness community as leaders in the field of worksite Wellness.


The format will predominantly consist of lectures with regular workshop opportunities, personal assignments and group discussions. The course will be presented in English.


This programme and certification is provided by Wellness Africa (Pty)Ltd.  Skills Development levy paid, is claimable at the relevant SETA.  Unit standard development in progress with Services SETA.


More Info Register Now